Source code for sherpa.algorithms.core

SHERPA is a Python library for hyperparameter tuning of machine learning models.
Copyright (C) 2018  Lars Hertel, Peter Sadowski, and Julian Collado.

This file is part of SHERPA.

SHERPA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

SHERPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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import os
import random
import numpy
import logging
import sherpa
import pandas
import sklearn.gaussian_process
from sherpa.core import Choice, Continuous, Discrete, Ordinal, AlgorithmState
from sherpa.core import rng as sherpa_rng
import sklearn.model_selection
import collections

alglogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Algorithm(object): """ Abstract algorithm that generates new set of parameters. """ allows_repetition = False
[docs] def get_suggestion(self, parameters, results, lower_is_better): """ Returns a suggestion for parameter values. Args: parameters (list[sherpa.Parameter]): the parameters. results (pandas.DataFrame): all results so far. lower_is_better (bool): whether lower objective values are better. Returns: dict: parameter values. """ raise NotImplementedError("Algorithm class is not usable itself.")
[docs] def load(self, num_trials): """ Reinstantiates the algorithm when loaded. Args: num_trials (int): number of trials in study so far. """ pass
def get_best_result(self, parameters, results, lower_is_better): # Get best result so far best_idx = (results.loc[:, 'Objective'].idxmin() if lower_is_better else results.loc[:, 'Objective'].idxmax()) if not numpy.isfinite(best_idx): # Can happen if there are no valid results, # best_idx=nan when results are nan. alglogger.warning('Empty results file! Returning empty dictionary.') return {} best_result = results.loc[best_idx, :].to_dict() best_result.pop('Status') return best_result
class Chain(Algorithm): """ Allows to compose algorithms into a schedule by repeating an algorithm or chaining different algorithms while maintaining the same results table. Args: algorithms (List[sherpa.algorithms.Algorithm]): the algorithms to run, each algorithm must have a maximum number of trials specified for the next algorithm to run. """ def __init__(self, algorithms): self.algorithms = algorithms self.alg_counter = 0 def get_suggestion(self, parameters, results, lower_is_better): config = self.algorithms[self.alg_counter].get_suggestion(parameters, results, lower_is_better) if (config is None or config == AlgorithmState.DONE) and self.alg_counter < len(self.algorithms)-1: self.alg_counter += 1 print("Next algorithm") config = self.get_suggestion(parameters, results, lower_is_better) return config
[docs]class Repeat(Algorithm): """ Takes another algorithm and repeats every hyperparameter configuration a given number of times. The wrapped algorithm will be passed the mean objective values of the repeated experiments. Args: algorithm (sherpa.algorithms.Algorithm): the algorithm to produce hyperparameter configurations. num_times (int): the number of times to repeat each configuration. wait_for_completion (bool): only relevant when running in parallel with max_concurrent > 1. Means that the algorithm won't issue the next suggestion until all repetitions are completed. This can be useful when the repeats have impact on sequential decision making in the wrapped algorithm. agg (bool): whether to aggregate repetitions before passing them to the parameter generating algorithm. """ def __init__(self, algorithm, num_times=5, wait_for_completion=False, agg=False): assert algorithm.allows_repetition self.algorithm = algorithm self.num_times = num_times self.queue = collections.deque() self.prev_completed = 0 self.wait_for_completion = wait_for_completion self.agg = agg def get_suggestion(self, parameters, results=None, lower_is_better=True): if len(self.queue) == 0: if results is not None and len(results) > 0: completed = results.query("Status == 'COMPLETED'") if (self.wait_for_completion and len( completed) < self.prev_completed + self.num_times): return AlgorithmState.WAIT self.prev_completed += self.num_times aggregate_results = Repeat.aggregate_results(results, parameters, min_count=self.num_times) else: aggregate_results = None suggestion = self.algorithm.get_suggestion(parameters=parameters, results=aggregate_results if self.agg else results, lower_is_better=lower_is_better) self.queue += [suggestion] * self.num_times return self.queue.popleft() def get_best_result(self, parameters, results, lower_is_better): agg_results = self.aggregate_results(results=results, parameters=parameters, min_count=self.num_times) if agg_results.empty: return {} # Get best result so far best_idx = (agg_results.loc[:, 'Objective'].idxmin() if lower_is_better else agg_results.loc[:, 'Objective'].idxmax()) if not numpy.isfinite(best_idx): # Can happen if there are no valid results, # best_idx=nan when results are nan. alglogger.warning('Empty results file! Returning empty dictionary.') return {} best_result = agg_results.loc[best_idx, :].to_dict('records')[0] best_result.pop('Status') return best_result @staticmethod def aggregate_results(results, parameters, min_count=0): """ A helper function to aggregate results for repeated trials. Groups results by parameter values and computes mean and standard error of the mean. The returned dataframe's Objective column is the mean within groups. The standard error is denoted ObjectiveStdErr. # Arguments: results (pandas.Dataframe): the results dataframe. min_count (int): the minimum count within groups. Groups with fewer observations than min_count are excluded from the results. # Returns: pandas.Dataframe: the aggregated dataframe. """ intermediate = results.query("Status == 'INTERMEDIATE'") completed = results.query("Status != 'INTERMEDIATE'") # aggregate aggregate_completed = completed.groupby([ for p in parameters] + ['Status']) \ .agg({'Objective': ['mean', 'var', 'count'], 'Iteration': 'max'}) # flatten hierarchical column names aggregate_completed.columns = [''.join(c.capitalize() for c in col).strip() for col in aggregate_completed.columns.values] # add variance and finalize aggregate_completed = aggregate_completed.reset_index() \ .assign( ObjectiveStdErr=lambda x: numpy.sqrt(x['ObjectiveVar'] / (x['ObjectiveCount'] - 1))) \ .rename({'IterationMax': 'Iteration'}, axis=1) \ .query("ObjectiveCount >= {}".format( min_count)) aggregate_intermediate = intermediate.groupby([ for p in parameters] + ['Status', 'Iteration']) \ .agg({'Objective': ['mean', 'var', 'count']}) aggregate_intermediate.columns = [ ''.join(c.capitalize() for c in col).strip() for col in aggregate_intermediate.columns.values] aggregate_intermediate = aggregate_intermediate.reset_index() \ .assign( ObjectiveStdErr=lambda x: numpy.sqrt(x['ObjectiveVar'] / (x['ObjectiveCount'] - 1))) \ .query("ObjectiveCount >= {}".format( min_count)) full_results = pandas.concat([aggregate_intermediate, aggregate_completed], sort=False)\ .rename({"ObjectiveMean": "Objective"}, axis=1) return full_results
[docs]class RandomSearch(Algorithm): """ Random Search with a repeat option. Trials parameter configurations are uniformly sampled from their parameter ranges. The repeat option allows to re-run a trial `repeat` number of times. By default this is 1. Args: max_num_trials (int): number of trials, otherwise runs indefinitely. repeat (int): number of times to repeat a parameter configuration. """ allows_repetition = True def __init__(self, max_num_trials=None): self.max_num_trials = max_num_trials or 2**32 # total number of configs to be sampled self.count = 0 def get_suggestion(self, parameters, results=None, lower_is_better=True): if self.count >= self.max_num_trials: return AlgorithmState.DONE else: self.count += 1 return { p.sample() for p in parameters}
[docs]class Iterate(Algorithm): """ Iterate over a set of fully-specified hyperparameter combinations. Args: hp_iter (list): list of fully-specified hyperparameter dicts. """ allows_repetition = True def __init__(self, hp_iter): self.hp_iter = hp_iter self.count = 0 # Make sure all hyperparameter values are specified. parameters = self.get_parameters() def get_suggestion(self, parameters, results=None, lower_is_better=True): if self.count >= len(self.hp_iter): # No more combinations to try. return None else: hp = self.hp_iter[self.count] self.count += 1 return hp def load(self, num_trials): self.count = num_trials def get_parameters(self): """ Computes list of parameter objects from list of hyperparameter combinations, which is needed for initializing a Study. Returns: list: List of Parameter objects. """ parameters = [] keys = self.hp_iter[0].keys() for pname in keys: # Get unique values of this (possibly unhashable) parameter. prange = [] for i,hp in enumerate(self.hp_iter): if pname not in hp: raise Exception('Parameter {} not found in list item {}.'.format(pname, i)) value = hp[pname] if value not in prange: prange.append(value) p = sherpa.Parameter.from_dict({'name': pname, 'type': 'choice', 'range': prange}) parameters.append(p) return parameters
[docs]class GridSearch(Algorithm): """ Explores a grid across the hyperparameter space such that every pairing is evaluated. For continuous and discrete parameters grid points are picked within the range. For example, a continuous parameter with range [1, 2] with two grid points would have points 1 1/3 and 1 2/3. For three points, 1 1/4, 1 1/2, and 1 3/4. Example: :: hp_space = {'act': ['tanh', 'relu'], 'lrinit': [0.1, 0.01], } parameters = sherpa.Parameter.grid(hp_space) alg = sherpa.algorithms.GridSearch() Args: num_grid_points (int): number of grid points for continuous / discrete. """ allows_repetition = True def __init__(self, num_grid_points=2): self.grid = None self.num_grid_points = num_grid_points self.count = 0 # number of sampled configs def get_suggestion(self, parameters, results=None, lower_is_better=True): if self.count == 0: param_dict = self._get_param_dict(parameters) self.grid = list(sklearn.model_selection.ParameterGrid(param_dict)) if self.count >= len(self.grid): return AlgorithmState.DONE else: config = self.grid[self.count] self.count += 1 return config def _get_param_dict(self, parameters): param_dict = {} for p in parameters: if isinstance(p, Continuous) or isinstance(p, Discrete): dtype = int if isinstance(p, Discrete) else float if p.scale == 'log': func = numpy.logspace range = [numpy.log10(x) for x in p.range] else: func = numpy.linspace range = p.range values = func(*range, num=self.num_grid_points, endpoint=True, dtype=dtype) else: values = p.range param_dict[] = values return param_dict
[docs]class LocalSearch(Algorithm): """ Local Search Algorithm. This algorithm expects to start with a very good hyperparameter configuration. It changes one hyperparameter at a time to see if better results can be obtained. Args: seed_configuration (dict): hyperparameter configuration to start with. perturbation_factors (Union[tuple,list]): continuous parameters will be multiplied by these. repeat_trials (int): number of times that identical configurations are repeated to test for random fluctuations. """ allows_repetition = True def __init__(self, seed_configuration, perturbation_factors=(0.8, 1.2), repeat_trials=1): self.seed_configuration = seed_configuration self.count = 0 self.submitted = [] self.perturbation_factors = perturbation_factors self.next_trial = [] self.repeat_trials = repeat_trials def get_suggestion(self, parameters, results, lower_is_better): if not self.next_trial: self.next_trial = self._get_next_trials(parameters, results, lower_is_better) return self.next_trial.pop() def _get_next_trials(self, parameters, results, lower_is_better): self.count += 1 if self.count == 1: self.submitted.append(self.seed_configuration) return [self.seed_configuration] * self.repeat_trials # Get best result so far if len(results) > 0: completed = results.query("Status == 'COMPLETED'") if len(completed) > 0: best_idx = (completed.loc[:, 'Objective'].idxmin() if lower_is_better else completed.loc[:, 'Objective'].idxmax()) self.seed_configuration = completed.loc[ best_idx, [ for p in parameters]].to_dict() # Randomly sample perturbations and return first that hasn't been tried for param in random.sample(parameters, len(parameters)): if isinstance(param, Choice): values = random.sample(param.range, len(param.range)) for val in values: new_params = self.seed_configuration.copy() new_params[] = val if new_params not in self.submitted: self.submitted.append(new_params) return [new_params] * self.repeat_trials else: for incr in random.sample([True, False], 2): new_params = self._perturb(candidate=self.seed_configuration.copy(), parameter=param, increase=incr) if new_params not in self.submitted: self.submitted.append(new_params) return [new_params] * self.repeat_trials else:"All local perturbations have been exhausted and " "no better local optimum was found.") return [None] * self.repeat_trials def _perturb(self, candidate, parameter, increase): """ Randomly choose one parameter and perturb it. For Ordinal this is increased/decreased, for continuous/discrete this is times 0.8/1.2. Args: parameters (list[sherpa.core.Parameter]): parameter ranges. configuration (dict): a parameter configuration to be perturbed. param_name (str): the name of the parameter to perturb. increase (bool): whether to increase or decrease the parameter. Returns: dict: perturbed configuration """ if isinstance(parameter, Ordinal): shift = +1 if increase else -1 values = parameter.range newidx = values.index(candidate[]) + shift newidx = numpy.clip(newidx, 0, len(values) - 1) candidate[] = values[newidx] else: factor = self.perturbation_factors[1 if increase else 0] candidate[] *= factor if isinstance(parameter, Discrete): candidate[] = int(candidate[]) candidate[] = numpy.clip(candidate[], min(parameter.range), max(parameter.range)) return candidate
class StoppingRule(object): """ Abstract class to evaluate whether a trial should stop conditional on all results so far. """ def should_trial_stop(self, trial, results, lower_is_better): """ Args: trial (sherpa.Trial): trial to be stopped. results (pandas.DataFrame): all results so far. lower_is_better (bool): whether lower objective values are better. Returns: bool: decision. """ raise NotImplementedError("StoppingRule class is not usable itself.")
[docs]class MedianStoppingRule(StoppingRule): """ Median Stopping-Rule similar to Golovin et al. "Google Vizier: A Service for Black-Box Optimization". * For a Trial `t`, the best objective value is found. * Then the best objective value for every other trial is found. * Finally, the best-objective for the trial is compared to the median of the best-objectives of all other trials. If trial `t`'s best objective is worse than that median, it is stopped. If `t` has not reached the minimum iterations or there are not yet the requested number of comparison trials, `t` is not stopped. If `t` is all nan's it is stopped by default. Args: min_iterations (int): the minimum number of iterations a trial runs for before it is considered for stopping. min_trials (int): the minimum number of comparison trials needed for a trial to be stopped. """ def __init__(self, min_iterations=0, min_trials=1): self.min_iterations = min_iterations self.min_trials = min_trials
[docs] def should_trial_stop(self, trial, results, lower_is_better): """ Args: trial (sherpa.Trial): trial to be stopped. results (pandas.DataFrame): all results so far. lower_is_better (bool): whether lower objective values are better. Returns: bool: decision. """ if len(results) == 0: return False trial_rows = results.loc[results['Trial-ID'] ==] max_iteration = trial_rows['Iteration'].max() if max_iteration < self.min_iterations: return False trial_obj_val = trial_rows['Objective'].min() if lower_is_better else trial_rows['Objective'].max() if numpy.isnan(trial_obj_val) and not trial_rows.empty: alglogger.debug("Value {} is NaN: {}, trial rows: {}".format(trial_obj_val, numpy.isnan(trial_obj_val), trial_rows)) return True other_trial_ids = set(results['Trial-ID']) - {} comparison_vals = [] for tid in other_trial_ids: trial_rows = results.loc[results['Trial-ID'] == tid] max_iteration = trial_rows['Iteration'].max() if max_iteration < self.min_iterations: continue valid_rows = trial_rows.loc[trial_rows['Iteration'] <= max_iteration] obj_val = valid_rows['Objective'].min() if lower_is_better else valid_rows['Objective'].max() comparison_vals.append(obj_val) if len(comparison_vals) < self.min_trials: return False if lower_is_better: decision = trial_obj_val > numpy.nanmedian(comparison_vals) else: decision = trial_obj_val < numpy.nanmedian(comparison_vals) return decision
def get_sample_results_and_params(): """ Call as: :: parameters, results, lower_is_better = sherpa.algorithms.get_sample_results_and_params() to get a sample set of parameters, results and lower_is_better variable. Useful for algorithm development. Note: losses are obtained from :: loss = param_a / float(iteration + 1) * param_b """ here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) results = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(here, "sample_results.csv"), index_col=0) parameters = [Choice(name="param_a", range=[1, 2, 3]), Continuous(name="param_b", range=[0, 1])] lower_is_better = True return parameters, results, lower_is_better
[docs]class PopulationBasedTraining(Algorithm): """ Population based training (PBT) as introduced by Jaderberg et al. 2017. PBT trains a generation of ``population_size`` seed trials (randomly initialized) for a user specified number of iterations e.g. one epoch. The top 80% then move on unchanged into the second generation. The bottom 20% are re-sampled from the top 20% and perturbed. The second generation again trains for the same number of iterations and the same procedure is repeated to move into the third generation etc. Args: num_generations (int): the number of generations to run for. population_size (int): the number of randomly intialized trials at the beginning and number of concurrent trials after that. parameter_range (dict[Union[list,tuple]): upper and lower bounds beyond which parameters cannot be perturbed. perturbation_factors (tuple[float]): the factors by which continuous parameters are multiplied upon perturbation; one is sampled randomly at a time. """ def __init__(self, num_generations, population_size=20, parameter_range={}, perturbation_factors=(0.8, 1.2)): self.num_generations = num_generations self.population_size = population_size self.parameter_range = parameter_range self.perturbation_factors = perturbation_factors self.generation = 0 self.count = 0 self.random_sampler = RandomSearch() def get_suggestion(self, parameters, results, lower_is_better): self.count += 1 self.generation = (self.count - 1)//self.population_size + 1 if self.generation == 1: trial = self.random_sampler.get_suggestion(parameters, results, lower_is_better) trial['lineage'] = '' trial['load_from'] = '' trial['save_to'] = str(self.count) elif self.generation > self.num_generations: return AlgorithmState.DONE else: trial = self._truncation_selection(parameters=parameters, results=results, lower_is_better=lower_is_better) trial['load_from'] = str(int(trial['save_to'])) trial['save_to'] = str(int(self.count)) trial['lineage'] += trial['load_from'] + ',' trial['generation'] = self.generation return trial def _truncation_selection(self, parameters, results, lower_is_better): """ Continues the top 80% of the generation, resamples the rest from the top 20% and perturbs. Returns dict: parameter dictionary. """ # Select correct generation and sort generation members completed = results.loc[results['Status'] == 'COMPLETED', :] if (self.count - 1) % self.population_size / self.population_size < 0.8: # Go through top 80% of generation generation_df = completed.loc[(completed.generation == self.generation - 1), :] \ .sort_values(by='Objective', ascending=lower_is_better) d = generation_df.iloc[(self.count - 1) % self.population_size].to_dict() else: # For the rest, sample from top 20% of the last generation target_generations = [self.generation - 1] generation_df = completed.loc[(completed.generation.isin( target_generations)), :] \ .sort_values(by='Objective', ascending=lower_is_better) idx = sherpa_rng.randint(low=0, high=self.population_size*len(target_generations)//5) d = generation_df.iloc[idx].to_dict() d = self._perturb(candidate=d, parameters=parameters) trial = { d[] for param in parameters} for key in ['load_from', 'save_to', 'lineage']: trial[key] = d[key] return trial def _perturb(self, candidate, parameters): """ Randomly perturbs candidate parameters by perturbation factors. Args: candidate (dict): candidate parameter configuration. parameters (list[sherpa.core.Parameter]): parameter ranges. Returns: dict: perturbed parameter configuration. """ for param in parameters: if isinstance(param, Continuous) or isinstance(param, Discrete): factor = sherpa_rng.choice(self.perturbation_factors) candidate[] *= factor if isinstance(param, Discrete): candidate[] = int(candidate[]) candidate[] = numpy.clip(candidate[], min(self.parameter_range.get( or param.range), max(self.parameter_range.get( or param.range)) elif isinstance(param, Ordinal): shift = sherpa_rng.choice([-1, 0, +1]) values = self.parameter_range.get( or param.range newidx = values.index(candidate[]) + shift newidx = numpy.clip(newidx, 0, len(values)-1) candidate[] = values[newidx] elif isinstance(param, Choice): candidate[] = param.sample() else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized Parameter Object.") return candidate
class Genetic(Algorithm): def __init__(self, mutation_rate=0.1, max_num_trials=None): self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate self.max_num_trials = max_num_trials self.count = 0 def get_suggestion(self, parameters, results, lower_is_better): """ Create a new parameter value as a random mixture of some of the best trials and sampling from original distribution. Return: dict: parameter values dictionary """ if self.max_num_trials and self.count >= self.max_num_trials: return None # Choose 2 of the top trials and get their parameter values trial_1_params = self._get_candidate(parameters, results, lower_is_better) trial_2_params = self._get_candidate(parameters, results, lower_is_better) params_values_for_next_trial = {} for param_name in trial_1_params.keys(): param_origin = sherpa_rng.random_sample() # randomly choose where to get the value from if param_origin < self.mutation_rate: # Use mutation for parameter_object in parameters: if param_name == params_values_for_next_trial[ param_name] = parameter_object.sample() elif (self.mutation_rate <= param_origin and param_origin < self.mutation_rate + (1 - self.mutation_rate) / 2): params_values_for_next_trial[param_name] = trial_1_params[ param_name] else: params_values_for_next_trial[param_name] = trial_2_params[ param_name] self.count += 1 return params_values_for_next_trial def _get_candidate(self, parameters, results, lower_is_better, min_candidates=10): """ Samples candidates parameters from the top 33% of population. If less than min_candidates then use a random sample Returns dict: parameter dictionary. """ if results.shape[0] > 0: population = results.loc[results['Status'] != 'INTERMEDIATE', :] # select only completed trials else: population = None if population is None or population.shape[0] < min_candidates: trial_param_values = {} for parameter_object in parameters: trial_param_values[] = parameter_object.sample() return trial_param_values population = population.sort_values(by='Objective', ascending=lower_is_better) idx = sherpa_rng.randint(low=0, high=population.shape[ 0] // 3) # pick randomly among top 33% trial_all_values = population.iloc[ idx].to_dict() # extract the trial values on results table trial_param_values = { trial_all_values[] for param in parameters} # Select only parameter values return trial_param_values