Source code for sherpa.algorithms.successive_halving

SHERPA is a Python library for hyperparameter tuning of machine learning models.
Copyright (C) 2018  Lars Hertel, Peter Sadowski, and Julian Collado.

This file is part of SHERPA.

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from sherpa.algorithms import Algorithm, RandomSearch
import numpy
import pandas
from sherpa.core import TrialStatus, AlgorithmState

[docs]class SuccessiveHalving(Algorithm): """ Asynchronous Successive Halving as described in: @article{li2018massively, title={Massively parallel hyperparameter tuning}, author={Li, Liam and Jamieson, Kevin and Rostamizadeh, Afshin and Gonina, Ekaterina and Hardt, Moritz and Recht, Benjamin and Talwalkar, Ameet}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.05934}, year={2018} } Asynchronous successive halving operates based on the multi-armed bandit algorithm Successive Halving (SHA) and performs principled early stopping for random search. Args: r (int): minimum resource that each configuration will be trained for. R (int): maximum resource. eta (int): elimination rate. s (int): minimum early-stopping rate. max_finished_configs (int): stop once max_finished_configs models have been trained to completion. """ def __init__(self, r=1, R=9, eta=3, s=0, max_finished_configs=50): self.eta = eta self.r = r self.R = R self.s = s = RandomSearch() self.number_of_rungs = (numpy.floor( numpy.log(R/r) / numpy.log(eta)) - s).astype('int') self.config_counter = 1 self.promoted_trials = set() self.max_finished_configs = max_finished_configs @staticmethod def _get_completed_results(results, rung): return results[(results.Status == TrialStatus.COMPLETED) & (results.rung == rung)] def get_suggestion(self, parameters, results, lower_is_better): if self.max_finished_configs and\ len(results) > 0 and\ len(self._get_completed_results(results, self.number_of_rungs))\ >= self.max_finished_configs: return AlgorithmState.DONE config, k = self.get_job(parameters, results, lower_is_better) # set new parameters config['resource'] = self.r * self.eta ** (self.s + k) config['rung'] = k config['load_from'] = config.get('save_to', '') config['save_to'] = str(self.config_counter) self.config_counter += 1 return config def get_job(self, parameters, results, lower_is_better): """ Check to see if there is a promotable configuration. Otherwise, return a new configuration. """ for k in reversed(range(self.number_of_rungs)): candidates = self.top_n(parameters, results, lower_is_better, rung=k, eta=self.eta) # print("RUNG", k, "CANDIDATES\n", candidates) promotable = candidates[~candidates.save_to.isin( self.promoted_trials)].to_dict('records') if len(promotable) > 0: self.promoted_trials.add(promotable[0]['save_to']) return promotable[0], k+1 else: new_config = return new_config, 0 @staticmethod def top_n(parameters, results, lower_is_better, rung, eta): """ If there are >=m*eta configs in rung k, return the m best ones, otherwise return [] """ if len(results) == 0: return pandas.DataFrame({'save_to': []}) columns = [ for p in parameters] + ['save_to'] rung_results = SuccessiveHalving._get_completed_results(results, rung) n = len(rung_results) // eta top_n = rung_results.sort_values(by="Objective", ascending=lower_is_better) \ .iloc[0:n, :] \ .loc[:, columns] return top_n