Source code for sherpa.core

SHERPA is a Python library for hyperparameter tuning of machine learning models.
Copyright (C) 2018  Lars Hertel, Peter Sadowski, and Julian Collado.

This file is part of SHERPA.

SHERPA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

SHERPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with SHERPA.  If not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import sys
import numpy
import pandas
import collections
import time
import logging
import socket
import multiprocessing
import warnings
import contextlib
import shlex
from .database import _Database
from .schedulers import _JobStatus
import datetime
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:  # python 3.x
    import pickle

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
rng = numpy.random.RandomState(None)

[docs]class Trial(object): """ Represents one parameter-configuration here referred to as one trial. Args: id (int): the Trial ID. parameters (dict): parameter-name, parameter-value pairs. """ def __init__(self, id, parameters): = id self.parameters = parameters
[docs]class Study(object): """ The core of an optimization. Includes functionality to get new suggested trials and add observations for those. Used internally but can also be used directly by the user. Args: parameters (list[sherpa.core.Parameter]): a list of parameter ranges. algorithm (sherpa.algorithms.Algorithm): the optimization algorithm. lower_is_better (bool): whether to minimize or maximize the objective. stopping_rule (sherpa.algorithms.StoppingRule): algorithm to stop badly performing trials. dashboard_port (int): the port for the dashboard web-server, if ``None`` the first free port in the range `8880` to `9999` is found and used. disable_dashboard (bool): option to not run the dashboard. output_dir (str): directory path for CSV results. random_seed (int): seed to use for NumPy random number generators throughout. """ def __init__(self, parameters, algorithm, lower_is_better, stopping_rule=None, dashboard_port=None, disable_dashboard=False, output_dir=None): self.parameters = parameters self.algorithm = algorithm self.stopping_rule = stopping_rule self.lower_is_better = lower_is_better self.results = pandas.DataFrame() self.num_trials = 0 self._trial_queue = collections.deque() self.output_dir = output_dir self._ids_to_stop = set() if not disable_dashboard: if sys.platform in ['cygwin', 'win32']: raise EnvironmentError('Dashboard not supported on Windows. Disable the dashboard and save the ' 'finalized study instead.') self._mgr = multiprocessing.Manager() self._results_channel = self._mgr.Namespace() self._results_channel.df = self.results self._stopping_channel = multiprocessing.Queue() dashboard_port = dashboard_port or _port_finder(8880, 9999) self.dashboard_process = self._run_web_server(dashboard_port) else: self.dashboard_process = None
[docs] def add_observation(self, trial, objective, iteration=1, context={}): """ Add a single observation of the objective value for a given trial. Args: trial (sherpa.core.Trial): trial for which an observation is to be added. iteration (int): iteration number e.g. epoch. objective (float): objective value. context (dict): other metrics or values to record. """ assert isinstance(trial, Trial), "Trial must be sherpa.core.Trial" if not self.results.empty and\ ((self.results['Trial-ID'] == & (self.results['Iteration'] == iteration)).any(): raise ValueError("Observation for Trial-ID {} at Iteration {} " "already exists.".format(, iteration)) if not all( in trial.parameters for p in self.parameters): raise ValueError("The trial is missing parameter entries. It " "may not be from this study.") row = [ ('Trial-ID',, ('Status', 'INTERMEDIATE'), ('Iteration', iteration) ] # Add parameters in sorted order p = trial.parameters row += sorted(p.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]) # Add objective and sorted context row += [('Objective', objective)] row += sorted(context.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]) # Use ordered dict to maintain order row = collections.OrderedDict([(key, [value]) for key, value in row]) self.results = self.results.append(pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(row), ignore_index=True) if self.dashboard_process: self._results_channel.df = self.results
[docs] def finalize(self, trial, status='COMPLETED'): """ Once a trial will not add any more observations it must be finalized with this function. Args: trial (sherpa.core.Trial): trial that is completed. status (str): one of 'COMPLETED', 'FAILED', 'STOPPED'. """ assert isinstance(trial, Trial), "Trial must be sherpa.core.Trial" assert status in ['COMPLETED', 'FAILED', 'STOPPED'] try: rows = self.results.loc[self.results['Trial-ID'] ==] if len(rows) == 0: raise KeyError except KeyError: raise ValueError("Trial {} does not exist or did not " "submit metrics.".format( # Find best row as minimum or maximum objective best_idx = (rows['Objective'].idxmin() if self.lower_is_better else rows['Objective'].idxmax()) try: best_row = rows.loc[best_idx].copy() except TypeError: warnings.warn("Could not finalize trial {}. Only NaNs " "encountered.".format(, RuntimeWarning) return # Set status and append best_row['Status'] = status best_row['Iteration'] = rows['Iteration'].max() self.results = self.results.append(best_row, ignore_index=True) if self.dashboard_process: self._results_channel.df = self.results
[docs] def get_suggestion(self): """ Obtain a new suggested trial. This function wraps the algorithm that was passed to the study. Returns: dict: a parameter suggestion. """ if len(self._trial_queue) != 0: return self._trial_queue.popleft() p = self.algorithm.get_suggestion(self.parameters, self.results, self.lower_is_better) if isinstance(p, dict): self.num_trials += 1 t = Trial(id=self.num_trials, parameters=p) return t else: return p
[docs] def should_trial_stop(self, trial): """ Determines whether given trial should stop. This function wraps the stopping rule provided to the study. Args: trial (sherpa.core.Trial): trial to be evaluated. Returns: bool: decision. """ assert isinstance(trial, Trial), "Trial must be sherpa.core.Trial" if self.dashboard_process: while not self._stopping_channel.empty(): self._ids_to_stop.add(self._stopping_channel.get()) if in self._ids_to_stop: return True if self.stopping_rule: return self.stopping_rule.should_trial_stop(trial, self.results, self.lower_is_better) else: return False
[docs] def add_trial(self, trial): """ Adds a trial into queue for next suggestion. Trials added via this method forego the suggestions made by the algorithm and are returned by the `get_suggestion` method on a first in first out basis. Args: trial (sherpa.core.Trial): the trial to be enqueued. """ self._trial_queue.append(trial)
[docs] def get_best_result(self): """ Retrieve the best result so far. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: row of the best result. """ if self.results.empty: return {} return self.algorithm.get_best_result(parameters=self.parameters, results=self.results, lower_is_better= self.lower_is_better)
def _run_web_server(self, port): """ Runs the SHERPA dashboard. Args: port (int): Port for web app. Returns: proc (multiprocessing.Process): the process that runs the web app. results_channel (multiprocessing.Queue): queue to put results in stopping_channel (multiprocessing.Queue): queue to get models to stop from. """ from import app param_types = {} for p in self.parameters: if isinstance(p, Continuous) or (isinstance(p, Choice) and type(p.range[0])==float): param_types[] = 'float' elif isinstance(p, Discrete) or (isinstance(p, Choice) and type(p.range[0])==int): param_types[] = 'int' else: param_types[] = 'string' app.parameter_types = param_types app.set_results_channel(self._results_channel) app.set_stopping_channel(self._stopping_channel) proc = multiprocessing.Process(, kwargs={'port': port, 'debug': True, 'use_reloader': False, 'host': '', 'threaded': True}) msg = "\n" + "-"*55 + "\n" msg += "SHERPA Dashboard running. Access via\nhttp://{}:{} or " \ "\nhttp://{}:{} if on a cluster, or " \ "\nhttp://{}:{} if running locally.".format( socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()), port, socket.gethostname(), port, "localhost", port) msg += "\n" + "-"*55 proc.daemon = True proc.start() return proc
[docs] def save(self, output_dir=None): """ Stores results to CSV and attributes to config file. Args: output_dir (str): directory to store CSV to, only needed if Study output_dir is not defined. """ if not output_dir: assert self.output_dir, "If no output-directory is specified, " \ "a directory needs to be passed as argument" cfg = {'parameters': self.parameters, 'lower_is_better': self.lower_is_better, 'num_trials': self.num_trials} d = self.output_dir or output_dir with open(os.path.join(d, 'config.pkl'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(cfg, f) self.results.to_csv(os.path.join(self.output_dir or output_dir, 'results.csv'), index=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_dashboard(path): """ Loads a study from an output dir without the algorithm. Args: path (str): the path to the output dir. Returns: sherpa.core.Study: the study running the dashboard, note that currently this study cannot be used to continue the optimization. """ with open(os.path.join(path, 'config.pkl'), 'rb') as f: cfg = pickle.load(f) s = Study(parameters=cfg['parameters'], lower_is_better=cfg['lower_is_better'], algorithm=None, output_dir=path) results_path = os.path.join(path, 'results.csv') s.results = pandas.read_csv(results_path) s.num_trials = cfg['num_trials'] s._results_channel.df = s.results return s
def __iter__(self): """ Allow to iterate over a study. """ return self def __next__(self): """ Allows to write `for trial in study:`. """ t = self.get_suggestion() if isinstance(t, Trial): return t else: raise StopIteration
[docs] def next(self): return self.__next__()
[docs] def keras_callback(self, trial, objective_name, context_names=[]): """ Keras Callbacks to add observations to study Args: trial (sherpa.core.Trial): trial to send metrics for. objective_name (str): the name of the objective e.g. ``loss``, ``val_loss``, or any of the submitted metrics. context_names (list[str]): names of all other metrics to be monitored. """ import keras.callbacks send_call = lambda epoch, logs: self.add_observation(trial=trial, iteration=epoch, objective=logs[objective_name], context={n: logs[n] for n in context_names}) return keras.callbacks.LambdaCallback(on_epoch_end=send_call)
[docs]class _Runner(object): """ Encapsulates all functionality needed to run a Study in parallel. Responsibilities: * Get rows from database and check if any new observations need to be added to ``Study``. * Update active trials, finalize any completed/stopped/failed trials. * Check what trials should be stopped and call scheduler ``kill_job`` method. * Check if new trials need to be submitted, get parameters and submit as a job. Args: study (sherpa.core.Study): the study that is run. scheduler (sherpa.schedulers.Scheduler): a scheduler object. database (sherpa.database._Database): the database. max_concurrent (int): how many trials to run in parallel. command (list[str]): components of the command that runs a trial script e.g. ["python", ""]. resubmit_failed_trials (bool): whether a failed trial should be resubmitted. """ def __init__(self, study, scheduler, database, max_concurrent, command, resubmit_failed_trials=False): self.max_concurrent = max_concurrent self.command = command self.resubmit_failed_trials = resubmit_failed_trials self.scheduler = scheduler self.database = database = study self._done = False # whether optimization is done. self._active_trials = [] # ids of trials that are active. self._queued_for_stopping = set() # trials that need to be stopped. self._all_trials = {} # maps trial id to Trial object, process ID. self._trial_status = {_JobStatus.finished: 'COMPLETED', _JobStatus.killed: 'STOPPED', _JobStatus.failed: 'FAILED', _JobStatus.other: 'FAILED'} def update_results(self): """ Get rows from database and check if anything new needs to be added to the results-table. """ results = self.database.get_new_results() if results != [] and self._all_trials == {}: logger.warning(results) raise ValueError("Found unexpected results. Check the following\n" "(1)\toutput_dir is empty\n" "(2)\tno other database is running on this port.") for r in results: try: # Check if trial has already been collected. new_trial = (r.get('trial_id') not in set(['Trial-ID'])) except KeyError: new_trial = True if not new_trial: trial_idxs =['Trial-ID'] == r.get('trial_id') trial_rows =[trial_idxs] new_observation = (r.get('iteration') not in set(trial_rows['Iteration'])) else: new_observation = True if new_trial or new_observation: # Retrieve the Trial object tid = r.get('trial_id') tdict = self._all_trials[tid] t = tdict.get('trial'), iteration=r.get('iteration'), objective=r.get('objective'), context=r.get('context')) def update_active_trials(self): """ Update active trials, finalize any completed/stopped/failed trials. """ for i in reversed(range(len(self._active_trials))): tid = self._active_trials[i] logger.debug('Updating active trials.') status = self.scheduler.get_status(self._all_trials[tid].get('job_id')) if status in [_JobStatus.finished, _JobStatus.failed, _JobStatus.killed, _JobStatus.other]: if tid in self._queued_for_stopping: self._queued_for_stopping.remove(tid) try:[tid].get('trial'), status=self._trial_status[status]) except ValueError as e: warn_msg = str(e) warn_msg += ("\nRelevant results not found in database." " Check whether:\n" "(1)\tTrial is submitting metrics via e.g. sherpa.Client.send_metrics()\n" "(2)\tTrial crashed\n" " Trial script output is in: ") warn_msg += os.path.join(, 'jobs', 'trial_{}.out'.format(tid)) warnings.warn(warn_msg, RuntimeWarning) if self.resubmit_failed_trials:"Resubmitting Trial {}.".format(tid))[tid].get('trial')) self._active_trials.pop(i) def stop_bad_performers(self): """ Check whether any of the running trials should stop and add them for stopping if necessary. """ for tid in self._active_trials: if tid in self._queued_for_stopping: continue if[tid].get('trial')):"Stopping Trial {}".format(tid)) self.scheduler.kill_job(self._all_trials[tid].get('job_id')) self._queued_for_stopping.add(tid) def submit_new_trials(self): """ Get new trial and submit it to the job scheduler. """ while len(self._active_trials) < self.max_concurrent: next_trial = # Check if algorithm is done. if next_trial is None or next_trial == AlgorithmState.DONE:"Optimization Algorithm finished.") self._done = True break if next_trial == AlgorithmState.WAIT: break submit_msg = "\n" + "-"*55 + "\n" + "Submitting Trial {}:\n".format( for pname, pval in next_trial.parameters.items(): submit_msg += "\t{0:15}={1:>31}\n".format(str(pname), str(pval)) submit_msg += "-"*55 + "\n" self.database.enqueue_trial(next_trial) pid = self.scheduler.submit_job(command=self.command, env={'SHERPA_TRIAL_ID': str(, 'SHERPA_DB_HOST': socket.gethostname(), 'SHERPA_DB_PORT': str(self.database.port), 'SHERPA_OUTPUT_DIR':}, job_name='trial_' + str( self._all_trials[] = {'trial': next_trial, 'job_id': pid} self._active_trials.append( def run_loop(self): """ Run the optimization loop. """ while not self._done or self._active_trials: self.update_results() self.update_active_trials() self.stop_bad_performers() self.submit_new_trials() time.sleep(5)
[docs]def optimize(parameters, algorithm, lower_is_better, scheduler, command=None, filename=None, output_dir='./output_' + str("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")), max_concurrent=1, db_port=None, stopping_rule=None, dashboard_port=None, resubmit_failed_trials=False, verbose=1, load=False, mongodb_args={}, disable_dashboard=False): """ Runs a Study with a scheduler and automatically runs a database in the background. Args: algorithm (sherpa.algorithms.Algorithm): takes results table and returns parameter set. parameters (list[sherpa.core.Parameter]): parameters being optimized. lower_is_better (bool): whether lower objective values are better. command (str): the command to run for the trial script. filename (str): the filename of the script to run. Will be run as "python <filename>". output_dir (str): where scheduler and database files will be stored. scheduler (sherpa.schedulers.Scheduler): a scheduler. max_concurrent (int): the number of trials that will be evaluated in parallel. db_port (int): port to run the database on. stopping_rule (sherpa.algorithms.StoppingRule): rule for stopping trials prematurely. dashboard_port (int): port to run the dashboard web-server on. resubmit_failed_trials (bool): whether to resubmit a trial if it failed. verbose (int, default=1): whether to print submit messages (0=no, 1=yes). load (bool): option to load study, currently not fully implemented. mongodb_args (dict[str, any]): arguments to MongoDB beyond port, dir, and log-path. Keys are the argument name without "--". """ if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) if not scheduler.output_dir: scheduler.output_dir = output_dir if verbose == 0: logger.setLevel(level=logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('dblogger').setLevel(level=logging.WARNING) study = Study(parameters=parameters, algorithm=algorithm, lower_is_better=lower_is_better, stopping_rule=stopping_rule, dashboard_port=dashboard_port, output_dir=output_dir, disable_dashboard=disable_dashboard) if command: runner_command = shlex.split(command) elif filename: runner_command = ['python', filename] else: raise ValueError("Need to provide either command or filename.") if load: study.load() if not db_port: db_port = _port_finder(27001, 27050) with _Database(db_dir=output_dir, port=db_port, reinstantiated=load, mongodb_args=mongodb_args) as db: runner = _Runner(study=study, scheduler=scheduler, database=db, max_concurrent=max_concurrent, command=runner_command, resubmit_failed_trials=resubmit_failed_trials) runner.run_loop() return study.get_best_result()
[docs]def run_dashboard(path): """ Run the dashboard from a previously run optimization. Args: path (str): the output dir of the previous optimization. """ s = Study.load_dashboard(path)
def _port_finder(start, end): """ Helper function to find free port in range. Args: start (int): start point of port range. end (int): end point of port range. """ def check_socket(host, port): with contextlib.closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as sock: if sock.connect_ex((host, port)) == 0: return False else: return True try: hostname = socket.gethostname() for port in range(start, end): if check_socket(hostname, port): return port except socket.gaierror: raise BaseException('Hostname could not be resolved. Exiting') except socket.error: raise BaseException("Couldn't connect to server")
[docs]class Parameter(object): """ Defines a hyperparameter with a name, type and associated range. Args: name (str): the parameter name. range (list): either ``[low, high]`` or ``[value1, value2, value3]``. scale (str): `linear` or `log`, defines sampling from linear or log-scale. Not defined for all parameter types. """ def __init__(self, name, range): assert isinstance(name, str), "Parameter-Name needs to be a string." assert isinstance(range, list), "Parameter-Range needs to be a list." = name self.range = range
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(config): """ Returns a parameter object according to the given dictionary config. Args: config (dict): parameter config. Example: :: {'name': '<name>', 'type': '<continuous/discrete/choice>', 'range': [<value1>, <value2>, ... ], 'scale': <'log' to sample continuous/discrete from log-scale>} Returns: sherpa.core.Parameter: the parameter range object. """ if config.get('type') == 'continuous': return Continuous(name=config.get('name'), range=config.get('range'), scale=config.get('scale', 'linear')) elif config.get('type') == 'discrete': return Discrete(name=config.get('name'), range=config.get('range'), scale=config.get('scale', 'linear')) elif config.get('type') == 'choice': return Choice(name=config.get('name'), range=config.get('range')) else: raise ValueError("Got unexpected value for type: {}".format( config.get('type')))
[docs] @staticmethod def grid(parameter_grid): """ Creates a list of parameters given a parameter grid. Args: parameter_grid (dict): Dictionary mapping hyperparameter names lists of possible values. Example: :: {'parameter_a': [aValue1, aValue2, ...], 'parameter_b': [bValue1, bValue2, ...], ...} Returns: list[sherpa.core.Parameter]: list of parameter ranges for SHERPA. """ plist = [] for pname, prange in parameter_grid.items(): p = Parameter.from_dict({'name': pname, 'type': 'choice', 'range': prange}) plist.append(p) return plist
[docs]class Continuous(Parameter): """ Continuous parameter class. """ def __init__(self, name, range, scale='linear'): super(Continuous, self).__init__(name, range) self.scale = scale self.type = float if scale == 'log': assert all(r > 0. for r in range), "Range parameters must be " \ "positive for log scale."
[docs] def sample(self): try: if self.scale == 'log': return 10**rng.uniform(low=numpy.log10(self.range[0]), high=numpy.log10(self.range[1])) else: return rng.uniform(low=self.range[0], high=self.range[1]) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("{} causes error {}".format(, e))
[docs]class Discrete(Parameter): """ Discrete parameter class. """ def __init__(self, name, range, scale='linear'): super(Discrete, self).__init__(name, range) self.scale = scale self.type = int if scale == 'log': assert all(r > 0 for r in range), "Range parameters must be " \ "positive for log scale."
[docs] def sample(self): try: if self.scale == 'log': return int(10**rng.uniform(low=numpy.log10(self.range[0]), high=numpy.log10(self.range[1]))) else: return rng.randint(low=self.range[0], high=self.range[1]) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("{} causes error {}".format(, e))
[docs]class Choice(Parameter): """ Choice parameter class. """ def __init__(self, name, range): super(Choice, self).__init__(name, range) self.type = type(self.range[0])
[docs] def sample(self): i = rng.randint(low=0, high=len(self.range)) return self.range[i]
[docs]class Ordinal(Parameter): """ Ordinal parameter class. Categorical, ordered variable. """ def __init__(self, name, range): super(Ordinal, self).__init__(name, range) self.type = type(self.range[0])
[docs] def sample(self): i = rng.randint(low=0, high=len(self.range)) return self.range[i]
[docs]class AlgorithmState(object): """ Used internally to signal the sherpa._Runner class when to wait or when algorithm is done. """ DONE = 'DONE' WAIT = 'WAIT'