Source code for sherpa.database

SHERPA is a Python library for hyperparameter tuning of machine learning models.
Copyright (C) 2018  Lars Hertel, Peter Sadowski, and Julian Collado.

This file is part of SHERPA.

SHERPA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

SHERPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with SHERPA.  If not, see <>.
import logging
import numpy
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
import subprocess
import time
import os
import socket
import warnings
    from subprocess import DEVNULL # python 3
except ImportError:
    import os
    DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
import sherpa

dblogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _Database(object):
    Manages a Mongo-DB for storing metrics and delivering parameters to trials.

    The Mongo-DB contains one database that serves as a queue of future trials
    and one to store results of active and finished trials.

        dbpath (str): the path where Mongo-DB stores its files.
        port (int): the port on which the Mongo-DB should run.
        reinstantiated (bool): whether an instance of the MongoDB is being loaded.
        mongodb_args (dict): keyword arguments to MongoDB
    def __init__(self, db_dir, port=27010, reinstantiated=False,
        self.client = MongoClient(port=port)
        self.db = self.client.sherpa
        self.collected_results = set()
        self.mongo_process = None
        self.dir = db_dir
        self.port = port
        self.reinstantiated = reinstantiated
        self.mongodb_args = mongodb_args

    def close(self):
        print('Closing MongoDB!')

    def start(self):
        Runs the DB in a sub-process.

        args = {"--" + k: v for k, v in self.mongodb_args.items()}
        if "--dbpath" in args:
            warnings.warn("Writing MongoDB to custom path {} instead of "
                          "output dir {}".format(args["--dbpath"], self.dir),
            args["--dbpath"] = self.dir
        if "--logpath" in args:
            warnings.warn("Writing MongoDB logs to custom path {} instead of "
                          "output dir {}".format(
                args["--logpath"], os.path.join(self.dir, "log.txt")),
            args["--logpath"] = os.path.join(self.dir, "log.txt")
        if "--port" in args:
            warnings.warn("Starting MongoDB on port {} instead of "
                          "port {}. Set port via the db_port argument in "
                          "sherpa.optimize".format(args["--port"], self.port),
            args["--port"] = str(self.port)

        dblogger.debug("Starting MongoDB...\nDIR:\t{}\nADDRESS:\t{}:{}".format(
            self.dir, socket.gethostname(), self.port))
        cmd = ['mongod']
        cmd += [str(item) for keyvalue in args.items() for item in keyvalue if item is not '']
        dblogger.debug("Starting MongoDB using command:{}".format(str(cmd)))

            self.mongo_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            raise FileNotFoundError(str(e) + "\nCheck that MongoDB is installed and in PATH.")
        if self.reinstantiated:

    def check_db_status(self):
        Checks whether database is still running.
        status = self.mongo_process.poll()
        if status:
            raise EnvironmentError("Database exited with code {}".format(status))

    def get_new_results(self):
        Checks database for new results.

            (list[dict]) where each dict is one row from the DB.
        new_results = []
        for entry in self.db.results.find():
            result = entry
            mongo_id = result.pop('_id')
            if mongo_id not in self.collected_results:
        return new_results

    def enqueue_trial(self, trial):
        Puts a new trial in the queue for trial scripts to get.
        trial = {'trial_id':,
                 'parameters': trial.parameters}
            t_id = self.db.trials.insert_one(trial).inserted_id
        except pymongo.errors.InvalidDocument:
            new_params = {}
            for k, v in trial['parameters'].items():
                if isinstance(v, numpy.int64):
                    v = int(v)

                new_params[k] = v
            trial['parameters'] = new_params
            t_id = self.db.trials.insert_one(trial).inserted_id

    def add_for_stopping(self, trial_id):
        Adds a trial for stopping.

        In the trial-script this will raise an exception causing the trial to

            trial_id (int): the ID of the trial to stop.
        dblogger.debug("Adding {} to DB".format({'trial_id': trial_id}))
        self.db.stop.insert_one({'trial_id': trial_id}).inserted_id

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

[docs]class Client(object): """ Registers a session with a Sherpa Study via the port of the database. This function is called from trial-scripts only. Attributes: host (str): the host that runs the database. Passed host, host set via environment variable or 'localhost' in that order. port (int): port that database is running on. Passed port, port set via environment variable or 27010 in that order. """ def __init__(self, host=None, port=None, test_mode=False, **mongo_client_args): """ Args: host (str): the host that runs the database. Generally not needed since the scheduler passes the DB-host as an environment variable. port (int): port that database is running on. Generally not needed since the scheduler passes the DB-port as an environment variable. test_mode (bool): mock the client, that is, get_trial returns a trial that is empty, keras_send_metrics accepts calls but does not do any- thing, as does send_metrics. Useful for trial script debugging. """ self.test_mode = test_mode if not self.test_mode: host = host or os.environ.get('SHERPA_DB_HOST') or 'localhost' port = port or os.environ.get('SHERPA_DB_PORT') or 27010 self.client = MongoClient(host, int(port), **mongo_client_args) self.db = self.client.sherpa
[docs] def get_trial(self): """ Returns the next trial from a Sherpa Study. Returns: sherpa.core.Trial: The trial to run. """ if self.test_mode: return sherpa.Trial(id=1, parameters={}) assert os.environ.get('SHERPA_TRIAL_ID'), "Environment-variable SHERPA_TRIAL_ID not found. Scheduler needs to set this variable in the environment when submitting a job" trial_id = int(os.environ.get('SHERPA_TRIAL_ID')) for _ in range(5): g = (entry for entry in self.db.trials.find({'trial_id': trial_id})) t = next(g) if t: break time.sleep(10) if not t: raise RuntimeError("No Trial Found!") return sherpa.Trial(id=t.get('trial_id'), parameters=t.get('parameters'))
[docs] def send_metrics(self, trial, iteration, objective, context={}): """ Sends metrics for a trial to database. Args: trial (sherpa.core.Trial): trial to send metrics for. iteration (int): the iteration e.g. epoch the metrics are for. objective (float): the objective value. context (dict): other metric-values. """ if self.test_mode: return result = {'parameters': trial.parameters, 'trial_id':, 'objective': objective, 'iteration': iteration, 'context': context} # Convert float32 to float64. # Note: Keras ReduceLROnPlateau callback requires this. for k,v in context.items(): if type(v) == numpy.float32: context[k] = numpy.float64(v) self.db.results.insert_one(result)
[docs] def keras_send_metrics(self, trial, objective_name, context_names=[]): """ Keras Callbacks to send metrics to SHERPA. Args: trial (sherpa.core.Trial): trial to send metrics for. objective_name (str): the name of the objective e.g. ``loss``, ``val_loss``, or any of the submitted metrics. context_names (list[str]): names of all other metrics to be monitored. """ import keras.callbacks send_call = lambda epoch, logs: self.send_metrics(trial=trial, iteration=epoch, objective=logs[objective_name], context={n: logs[n] for n in context_names}) return keras.callbacks.LambdaCallback(on_epoch_end=send_call)